The bang bang club

1. In general, what did you like and dislike about the film?

What I liked about the film is the so powerful and truly that its the film, the scenes makes me feel so confronted and shocked. 
I liked too much that the scenes with the photos it was very goods recreations of the truth photos that went around the world.
And in another point, its a question too about how much the journalist are involucred on the events (let's remember that the protagonist are called the "Dead's paparazzi").

2.  How does the film make you think about your future role as journalists and film makers/producers/creators/directors?

The movie, and all that makes me feel and think its a challenge for my future working as a journalist. I think that is very important not to just take pictures, or record the events, we need to be part of the fight too (When we think that it's necessary, and how it would be necessary). I think that if I would be on that role...  it would be impossible for me not to do anything.

3.  In this film, and various of the other films, we have seen how black South Africans went to vote massively in April 1994 to seal the downfall of the apartheid system with the electoral triumph of Nelson Mandela and the ANC, now more than 20 years later, we see many of the problems originated during the apartheid are still present such as land inequality, class inequality, unemployment, etc.

I think that is a very long work, the system has to change, but that means a lot of work and fight... Is for that that the inequality is still being a problem to the southafricans. Because one man can't change all a system, the change has to come from the people.


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